Frequently Asked Questions
[toggle title_open=”Where is our office located?” title_closed=”Where is our office located?” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9am – 1pm
Closed on Holidays.
Visit our Contact page for our full contact info!
Or call us at 502-640-0907[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”How Much Is The Application Fee? ” title_closed=”How Much Is The Application Fee? ” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Once you have found your home, a $20 non-refundable fee is required per applicant.
Believe it or not, the application fee is not just a “random” fee as you might think. Your application fee helps with the administrative costs of processing your application, costs of credit reports, and more. It is very hard to work for free, and we trust you will agree with this. It costs money to process applications.
We strive to keep our costs as low as possible. Many other companies charge much more, sometimes twice as much as First American Realtors . We do NOT want a bunch of applications.
First American Realtors strives to qualify every application submitted.
If no homes are available for you and your household now, you can still submit an application NOW to get “pre-approved.”
(Many homes never make it to the website due to this procedure)
Download Your Rental Application Right Here, Right NOW!
Get Your Application by Stopping by our office during business hours,
Once approved, you will have 24hrs to coordinate an appointment with our office to produce all of the monies needed and complete your new resident paperwork package. This does NOT mean you have to ‘move in’ within 24 hrs. This simply means you start paying rent. You may still move in on your schedule. This is very helpful for folks who are moving to Louisville, Ky from another town.
Should You Decide Not to Rent AFTER YOU ARE APPROVED, YOU will forfeit the DEPOSIT TO HOLD money. First American Realtors will have to begin the entire process to advertise and market this home for rent again.
They Are:
– Your gross monthly income must at least 3 times the monthly rent.
– A favorable credit history.
– Be employed or furnish acceptable proof of required income.
– Good references from landlords along with being clean & responsible.
– Occupant limits of 2 persons per bedroom.
Bad Credit will NOT Prevent You from Qualifying!
We look forward to working with you. First American Realtors is committed to provide equal professional service without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin of any prospective client or customer.
Animals May Be Allowed!
Safe and legal animals that do not damage or reduce value of property may be allowed with an animal deposit.
Each Animal MUST submit an application with a photo.
Each Animal MUST weigh less than 30 pounds.
Each Animal MUST not be on the Insurance Companies list of dangerous animals.
Insurance Companies are taking very aggressive action because of these concerns involving dangerous animal. Many insurance companies are canceling policies WITHOUT NOTICE upon discovery of certain animals.
Our animal policy is subject to change without notice as a result of changes from our insurance carriers.
First American Realtors values animals and pets.
First American Realtors values animals, pets, people and property![/toggle]
Here is a brief summary of First American Realtors ‘s Option to Buy Program.
Option to Buy
– Similar to putting “Dibbs” On Your Home
– LOCKS in your purchase price for 12 months!
– allows you opportunity to
obtain financing
exercise your Option
and purchase your Home
Most other programs charge an additional monthly fee for participation in an Option plan.
If someone approaches First American Realtors and wants to buy the house you are renting with an Option to Buy, — no deal — You have an exclusive Option to Buy on your home and nobody can buy it during your Option period.
What’s The Catch? ( the fine print and ugly part )
First American Realtors ‘s Rent with Option to Buy Program details:
-You Are Purchasing An “Option To Buy” Your Home.
This is NOT “down payment”
“Exercise” your Option simply means when you “buy your home.”
Until you “Buy Your Home,” You have simply purchased an “Option.”
Your BENEFITS When You Purchase an OPTION TO BUY
Allows You to LOCK YOUR PURCHASE PRICE for the time period specified.
Gives You The Opportunity to Get Your Own Loan to buy your home.
Start building your excellent relationship with First American Realtors helps you qualify for your home loan.
On this program you will see yourself feeling great about your home and you becoming a homeowner. There is a huge powerful feeling of being a “homeowner” vs. “just renting.”
Your Option Fee provides you the benefits listed above.
At the time you exercise your Option to Buy and actually purchase your home, your fee will be credited toward the purchase price.
No part of the monthly rent is credited toward the purchase price of the home.
What happens if I do NOT exercise my Option to Buy?
Sometimes this happens. You have several choices:
a.) You will NOT forfeit your entire Option Fee
b.) maintain excellent relationship with First American Realtors helps you qualify for your home loan
c.) You may renew or purchase another Option
Grab Your Option Now![/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”My Question Is Not Listed Here” title_closed=”My Question Is Not Listed Here” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Call me ASAP 502-640-0907[/toggle]